A downloadable supplement

An unsuspecting capital city is assaulted by a demonic army led by three malevolent beings. The party finds themselves in the thick of it as the invasion hits. As the sky disappears behind a dark veil and the sounds of desperate combat fill the air, it’s a frantic scramble to get out before the demonic wave consumes all. What will the characters do to survive and how will their choices be remembered after the slaughter is done?

The Coming of the Unnamable Trinity is a campaign starter created for the July 2023 Shadowdark Independent Game Jam hosted by Dungeon Masterpiece - Baron de Ropp. It makes use of the Shadowdark RPG ruleset, but can be easily adapted to any fantasy tabletop RPG - and perhaps other genres too, with a bit of work.

This supplement includes:

  • a primer on a sample city, Viconis, that you can use to run this supplement or borrow for another use;
  • rules for introducing a Conquest Roll mechanic to track the invaders' progress through the city;
  • hooks for setting up the events and the encounters that might transpire as the characters attempt to survive the attack;
  • tips for running this supplement as a campaign starter and a one-shot scenario, as well as adapting it to an ongoing campaign;
  • references to the Shadowdark RPG Quickstart Set, which is free to download - you do not need the full book to make use of this supplement!

This is my first upload to itch.io and only the second publicly available tabletop RPG item I made in more than a decade - any constructive criticism and comments are welcome!


The Coming of the Unnamable Trinity 1.0.pdf 1.5 MB

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